Five (5) Summer Stewardship Interns (unpaid) - open until filled
Anacostia Watershed Society
Bladensburg, MD
This internship provides excellent exposure to the world of watershed stewardship, ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation and locally-based non-profit environmental organizations.
The position will require support on implementing and documenting a variety of stewardship activities related to stormwater management, trash reduction, invasive plant management, low impact development (LID), tree planting, forest restoration, wetland restoration, meadow creation, environmental education, public paddling events (and other outdoor recreation events) and volunteer supervision.
These internships will begin in mid-May to early June and end in August.
Compensation: This position is unpaid. However, the successful candidate may be eligible for college credit and will gain knowledge and skills in the fields of natural resource management, ecological restoration, low impact development and biodiversity conservation.
For more information and to apply,