Friday, March 31, 2017

Advising Notice

The final list of students matched up to their advisor is attached. Reach out to your advisor and try to meet with them 5-7 days prior to your registration date and time (check Testudo for your that date/time if needed). Please make sure to bring your: 1.GenEd/CORE sheets filled out, 2.curriculum sheet filled out, 3.Planning Grid filled out, and 4.Student Questionnaire filled out (if you didn't submit one already). All these resources can be found here: Printing your unofficial UMD transcript from Testudo may help you fill out these forms. Expect to spend several hours filling out these documents and preparing for your advising meeting then expect to spend 30 minutes with your advisor during your meeting. Do not wait until your registration date! 

April 5 is the last day to drop a course with a W on your transcript. If you aren't sure if you should drop a course or keep it, think about this: a GPA of 2.0 or better needs to be maintained each semester, a W looks better on your transcripts than a D or an F. If you drop a course, think about when you plan to retake that class. Please reach out to your advisor for advice as well!

Helpful resources: Some commonly asked questions are on the blog Advising. Also check out our website > Undergrad. The undergrad catalog is a helpful and searchable tool to show you policies you may want to review: