Thursday, May 11, 2017

Finals Resources

Dear Students:

Final exams, final papers and final projects are approaching!  You may be finding yourself in need of some extra help in preparing and succeeding – luckily for you, there are A LOT of FREE resources on campus that can help where you need it most!

Stamp Student Union
The Stamp will be sponsoring a number of events to help you prepare - and relax - during finals
Academic Coaching with LAS
Schedule an academic coaching appointment at

Guided Study Sessions (GSS) Review Sessions
For dates, times and locations, check with your GSS leader or course instructor.  Also visit:

Online Resources:

Math Success
Free Walk-In Math Tutoring:  
Location: Oakland Hall Academic Enrichment Center Ground Floor

Writing Assistance at the Writing Center - 1205 Tawes Hall

Academic Achievement Programs
Academic Success and Tutorial Services offers FREE tutoring in BMGT, BSCI, CHEM, CMSC, ECON, MATH, PHIL, PSYC & STAT
Make an appointment by visiting: or email

Final Presentations giving you cold feet?
Schedule an appointment with the Oral Communication Center

Free Tutoring at the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education
For more information, visit
1101 Hornbake Library South Wing


Maintaining good mental health, like maintaining physical health, takes time and effort.  

FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services are available on campus

·         UM Counseling Center (located in the in Shoemaker Bldg., just down the hill from Lefrak)

·         The University Health Center (located across from the Stamp Student Union)

·         UM HELP Center – peer counseling – South Campus Dining Hall

You are not just a brain; you are a body!  Maintaining good physical health is as important as developing learning skills and mental health.  Exercise, take study breaks, get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water.  Take some time to recharge:

·         Campus Recreation Services