Friday, February 15, 2019

Science Writer / Editor- Maryland Sea Grant

Location: College Park, MD

The Science Writer/Editor will work to explain and share findings from scientists, extension agents, and other sources to help advance public understanding and management of Maryland’s natural resources. The successful finalist will join MDSG’s communications staff of 3‐4 professionals and university students who produce print, videos, and web‐based content for the general public and specialized audiences on topics such as ecosystem dynamics, pollution reduction, aquaculture, fisheries management, and climate-change adaptation. Publications include an award‐winning print magazine, Chesapeake Quarterly (; science blogs; technical syntheses; highly regarded documentaries; and an extensive online and social media presence.

Foremost, the successful finalist will have published clear and well‐crafted writing, explained complex scientific findings accurately and engagingly for non-scientists, and shown skill at interacting with and gathering information from a variety of people, including scientists, policy makers, industry, and ordinary citizens. Interest in video, podcasts, and other media encouraged.

Specific duties of this position include writing narrative science stories for our various publications, editing text, posting to social media, and contributing ideas for graphics and publication design. The writer will write, edit and/or improve technical content prepared by others for the program's publications. Products could include fact sheets, grant proposals, web content, program reporting to NOAA, workshop or meeting materials, and the program's annual report. In addition, the candidate will spend 20% of his or her time creating communications products describing the outreach projects of MDSG’s extension specialists within the University of Maryland Extension program.

Salary will be in the range of the $55-60K and will be based on the University of Maryland Exempt Salary Structure for 100% full time regular positions.
 An attractive package of university benefits are offered including health insurance, tuition remission and generous leave.

 For complete details about this opening and how to apply, please review the position announcement and apply online. The position will remain open until filled, application reviewing starts March 11th.