Employing Agency Name: ENST UMD/Mullinax Lab
Contact's Name: Erin Poor
Email Address: erinpoor@umd.edu
Dates Needed: 05/15/2020 - 07/31/2020
Weekly Hours Needed: 20
Virtual Job Duties: The student intern would be responsible for updating our lab website, Twitter account, and Instagram accounts. While interning, the student would also be responsible for publishing relevant Tweets and Instagram posts. This internship could also include broader science communications components such as writing blog posts that can be published on the Mullinax lab site at later times. Some knowledge of basic web development to update our lab website is a plus. Duties and hours may change based on intern experience and our needs.
Internship Application Requirements: Cover Letter and Resume
Submit application: erinpoor@umd.edu
Application deadline: 04/30/2020