Monday, December 14, 2020

Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - University of Virginia

Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Virginia's Blandy Experimental Farm has a wonderful opportunity for undergraduate students to gain research experience during summer 2021 in ecology or evolutionary biology. The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) fellowship is open to applicants from any college or university.

The REU program emphasizes experimental ecology and evolutionary biology including a wide variety of topics such as plant-animal interactions, pollinator behavior and ecology, insect population ecology, and ecosystem ecology. Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $575 per week (over 10-11 weeks), additional money for food, and free housing. Each student picks a research mentor from our pool of faculty members and graduate students and then conducts a novel research project. The students will gain experience in experimental design, data collection, analytical techniques, and written and oral presentation of findings. REU students also benefit from several professional development workshops.

This is a wonderful opportunity for an undergraduate student contemplating a future in science. The application deadline is Feb 15, 2021.

Further information and application: