Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Maryland Biological Stream Survey job

Below is a job posting out of my unit at DNR and I was hoping you may pass it around to your students. We have multiple vacancies for 6 (possibly 10) month contract positions that are fieldwork heavy June-September, and then would focus more on data analysis on the back end. Fieldwork mostly involves electrofishing surveys with focus on documenting fish, herps, crayfish and mussels.

While it was only a 3 month contract at the time, this is the same tech position I used to fulfill my ENSP386 requirement back in the day. The extended contract period may not work for current students, but I think it would be a great position for recent grads, though admittedly I may be a bit biased. The job description is not particularly insightful, so feel free to pass along any questions you get about the position.

Greg Mathews (gsmathews2@gmail.com