Tuesday, January 28, 2025

SCDNR Bat Biologist Position - Conservation Planning

The SC Dept of Natural Resources is looking for a 2-yr temporary grant Wildlife Biologist to co-lead bat conservation planning efforts. Position based out of shiny new HQ in West Columbia, SC. Start date April 2, 2025.

Apply here. Position closes 2/11/2025 5:00 PM Eastern.

Position Description: The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) is looking to hire a 2-yr temporary grant Wildlife Biologist to co-lead landscape-level bat conservation planning efforts on SCDNR owned lands. The Biologist will coordinate with our Office of Environmental Programs, Heritage Trust, GIS and forestry staff, contractors, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to focus conservation planning efforts on five highest conservation concern (HCC) bat species in SC: the Northern long-eared (Myotis septentrionalis), gray (Myotis grisescens), tricolored (Perimyotis subflavus), little brown (Myotis lucifugus), and hoary (Lasiurus cinereus) bats.

The Biologist will utilize ArcGIS Pro to collect environmental setting information for South Carolina and SCDNR properties and assist with land cover analysis. The Biologist will define and classify SCDNR management activities and seasonality as it relates to HCC bats and be dedicated to bat data management and QA/QC. The Biologist will detail biological and life history information on HCC bats and update the South Carolina Bat Conservation Plan. The Biologist will assist with HCC species distribution modeling efforts and conduct bat acoustic surveys to ground truth and improve species distribution modeling in target areas with insufficient data.

Position is based in West Columbia, SC. SCDNR vehicle provided. When overnight stays outside of the Columbia area are needed, housing and $35 per diem will be provided.

Minimum Requirements: Applicants must have a master's degree in biology, chemistry, wildlife management or related technical area OR bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry, wildlife management or related technical area and at least two (2) years of related experience relevant to the job. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license.

Preferred Qualifications: Experience with ArcGIS Pro and writing detailed and comprehensive reports for wildlife conservation and management. Able to use geospatial concepts to create, manage, analyze, map, and share spatial data. Skilled at leading and implementing projects independently, and familiar with South Carolina's native bats, their biology, habitats, survey methods, and conservation concerns. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively in writing and verbally with peers and landowners on technical and non-technical subjects and assist in development and management of grants, budgets, and monthly and annual reports. Willing to work non-standard hours for bat surveys with overnight travel, sometimes under challenging field conditions.