Do you love being a Terp and studying in ENST and the College of AGNR? Do you remember what it was like applying for college and having questions you were happy to get answered? Do you want to be that person who answers those questions?
Well you’re in luck, because AGNR is searching for some new Ambassadors to join our team!
Ambassadors are current AGNR students who are selected to represent the College to the community and are selected on the basis of leadership, scholarship, and desire to promote AGNR to prospective students. This is a volunteer position. Minimum qualifications to become an Ambassador include:
- Full-time student status at UMD College Park in an AGNR major
- At least a cumulative GPA of 2.5
- Sophomore status, or completion of at least 2 semesters in an AGNR major
- Commitment of 5-10 hours each semester for at least 1 full academic year to the AGNR Ambassadors
- A general understanding of the college admissions and applications process.
If you are interested, complete the attached application and return it to me via email or in person (0105 Symons Hall) by 5pm on Friday, May 4th.
Applicants are also required to schedule an interview, information on the interview process will be shared once an application is received.