Opening for Lab Technician Position - USDA Beltsville
The position is involved with several technical activities dealing with our research on food safety/trace elements, the use of Byproducts for soil remediation and related topics.
Some possible tasks:
1. Prepare collected soils for plant/soil experiments in the greenhouse and growth chamber and some field sampling;
2. Maintaining plants in experiments in the greenhouse or growth chamber.
3. Preparation and analysis of soils, byproducts and plants.
4. Grinding and extraction of As from rice samples for analysis of inorganic and total As in the rice samples.
5. Grinding of plant samples prior to analysis.
6. Digesting of plant samples using either dry ashing overnight or microwave high pressure nitric acid digestion.
7. Learn how to run specific samples for specific elements using ICP-atomic emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry.
8. Data processing to take data from analytical instruments and put it in Excel spreadsheets.
9. Acid washing of glass and plastic equipment to remove trace element contaminants.
10. Other duties as required to complete our research goals.
If you are interested, please send CV and a statement of your skill set applicable to our needs. If I believe your skill set will fit our position, I’ll e-mail you to arrange for an interview time at your convenience that will take 30-60 minutes.
The position will be with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UMD and you
would work at Beltsville under a specific cooperative agreement between USDA and UMD.
Start Time: as soon as possible – 6 month to 1 year appointment.
Send inquiry to:
Dr. Carrie Green
office phone: 301-504-9230