Thursday, August 30, 2018

Goldwater Scholarship in Sciences, Math, and Engineering

Are you a Sophomore or Junior thinking seriously about graduate study and a research career in science, math or engineering? Attend an info session to learn about the Goldwater Scholarships, the nation's most prestigious undergraduate awards for students in science, math or engineering!!!

**Over the past four years, Maryland leads the nation in Goldwater Scholarships (tied with Stanford)** Congratulations to Maryland's 2018 Goldwater Scholars: Paul Neves, Lillian Sun, Tanay Wakhare and Eric Wang 

The National Scholarships Office is holding information sessions about the Goldwater Scholarship – Attend a session to learn more! (Please note: eligibility is limited to US Citizens and Permanent Residents; a minimum GPA of 3.85 or higher is recommended. Candidates must be sophomores or juniors in Fall 2018.)

Tuesday, September 4 at 12 noon – at 2403 Marie Mount Hall - RSVP to
Tuesday, September 4 at 4 pm – at 2403 Marie Mount Hall - RSVP to
Wednesday, September 5 at 12 noon – at 2403 Marie Mount Hall - RSVP to
Thursday, September 6 at 12 noon – at 2403 Marie Mount Hall - RSVP to
Friday, September 7 at 12 noon – at 2403 Marie Mount Hall - RSVP to
Friday, September 7 at 4 pm – at 2403 Marie Mount Hall - RSVP to

Sessions will take around 30 minutes. Space is limited, so please let us know by email to which session you plan to attend. If these times are not possible for you but you are interested in learning more, please let us know by writing to the same address.

The deadline to apply for University of Maryland nomination for the Goldwater Scholarship will be Monday, November 19, 2018.  For more information, read the description below and contact us at