When: Wednesday, Feb. 6th
Time: 2-5 pm
Where: Stamp Student Union, Grand Ballroom
AGNR has several summer courses, here is one you will love:
The Department of Nutrition and Food Science is once again offering a summer study abroad 3-credit course on the Mediterranean diet and culture involving 2 days at UMD and a 2-week travel to Greece. The course will include field trips/service learning and class time. We will spend 3 days in Athens and the rest of the time in Nafplion, Peloponnese area. Activities will include cooking classes, field trips to cheese, yogurt and wine making factories, to olive tree groves and olive oil processing and preservation. Hiking trips will be led in the surrounding areas to learn about Greek mythology and the exploration of wild herbs and their use in cooking. This course will satisfy the NFSC restricted elective and elective in other departments.
Other AGNR summer courses will be in England, Costa Rica, and Brazil. You can find out about all these and all UMD and non-UMD programs at:
A few tips:
Scholarship application deadline is Feb. 15th. Ask the Education Abroad office for details.
Check on whether a study abroad course provides UMD credit, or transfer credit. Credit for Internships, for example, may not be granted.
Talk to your department adviser and Education Abroad adviser on how a course will fit with your studies.