Friday, May 3, 2019

Two paid NOAA Summer Internships

NOAA currently has two paid summer hire positions posted now with the contractor ERT at NOAA's Office of Coast Survey located in Silver Spring, MD:

IOCM Precision Port Area GIS Redefinition Intern --  This project will involve taking an existing GIS port boundaries project worked on by previous summer hires to the next level.  We need to define smaller ports within these larger port areas, establishing criteria to refine with Coast Survey customers and determine a shoreward boundary or buffer.  Work will fluctuate between interviewing colleagues for Coast Survey to establish final criteria defining a "port," and the hands-on GIS analysis to update the port boundary layers into an atlas of ports.  

Ocean Forecast System Intern -- The intern will develop skill assessments and visualization tools for the US West Coast Ocean Forecast System (WCOFS).  The intern will learn about aspects of physical oceanography and numerical modeling used to predict sea level, transports, temperature and other oceanic variables and apply these concepts during development.  (This position would be appropriate for students more interested in the heavy programming side of GIS or for someone in another related field -- other physical science or engineering -- with strong programming skills and interests.)

For more than two centuries, Coast Survey has provided navigation products and services that ensure safe and efficient maritime commerce.  Coast Survey maintains the nation's nautical charts, surveys the coastal seafloor, responds to national maritime emergencies, and searches for underwater obstructions and wreckage.  

Positions will be filled by ERT on a rolling basis and are for this summer; however, the start and end dates are flexible.