Tuesday, November 3, 2020

BlackOak Collective Career panel - November 12

Dear College of Environmental Sciences,

My name is Kiera Givens. Recently, my colleagues and I started a new organization, BlackOak Collective, to help provide jobs, career resources, and community for young Black leaders in environmental fields.

BlackOak is hosting a career panel on November 12 from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST, featuring Gilbert Campbell - Co-founder and CEO of Volt Energy, Kevin Bryan - Equnival Partners LLC, and Michele Roberts, National Co-Coordinator, EJ Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform, and EJ4All.

Students can register for the event through this link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/blackoak-career-panel-tickets-125890950221

We know that the University of Maryland has many talented and driven Black students interested in sustainability fields like climate, clean energy, environmental justice, environmental restoration and conservation, environmental education, sustainable agriculture, architecture/planning, government, and more. We hope BlackOak can be a critical resource to help you find jobs in these fields, which are too often determined by networking skills.

Contact Info
Kiera Givens