Wednesday, November 4, 2020

New class offering - Introduction to Geosciences (AGNR320)

A brand new course is being offered at UMD for juniors and seniors for Spring 2021. Here is the description (also available on Testudo):

AGNR320: Under the geoscience topic, while making STEM learning meaningful and inspiring, will blend four disciplines. The inspiration will be drawn from real-life examples shared with students in the course that can be relatable to all students regardless of background. Each topic will contain a corresponding experiment/case study designed to guide the students through Identifying the issue and responsible parties, assessing the level of issue based on collected data (given), determine a method for remediation and/or removal, developing a community outreach component through science communication, and proposing an implementation plan for their remediation and/or removal design.

Instructors: Akua Asa-Awuku & Candice Duncan

Learn more about the PEARLS program that made this class possible. 
The PEARLS – Provide Educational Access to Research & Learning in geoscienceS – program targets women, under-served populations, and underrepresented minorities (URM) and encourages them to access geoscience disciplines via extracurricular experiences and training.

More info about PEARLS available here.