Thursday, August 20, 2020

ECO City Farms - internships (ENST389 credit available)


ECO's apprenticeships present an immersive, hands-on opportunity to learn about sustainable urban agriculture by working directly with experienced farm staff. 

What to expect: Apprenticeships are for those who are dedicated to coming to the farm in all weather to get real hands-on farm experience. The program is a 3 month season with a time commitment of at least 60 hours for this time period, averaging to about 6 hours a week. We're flexible in the exact scheduling of how you complete these hours. There is also opportunity to continue working with us after this season. Apprentices also have access to produce and other educational opportunities at ECO. 

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. After submitting an application, you'll schedule an info session/ observation day with the Farm Manager. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the expectations of the apprenticeship and so we can learn more about you and your goals. If this interaction proves you're a great fit for the farm, then you'll be accepted into the program. 

COVID Safety: As an essential service, our farms have been operating through the pandemic. It's important that our staff and apprentices take extra precaution to keep each other, our food, and our community healthy and safe. On the farm, we are instituting strict personal hygiene regimes for all food production staff; ensuring the cleanliness of all tools, implements and surfaces; and keeping vegetable handling to a minimum. We're limiting the number of people working on the farm at one time and participating in social distancing by working in separate areas.

For ENST389 internship credit, please present this information to your advisor.