Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Woods in Your Backyard Online course - Fall 2020

The Woods in Your Backyard online course - Fall 2020
Monday, August 31, 2020, to Tuesday, November 9, 2020

Registration is now open for the Fall session of "The Woods in Your Backyard" online course. Our self-paced, non-credit course runs 10 weeks from August 31st to November 9th, 2020. The course will help landowners convert lawn to natural areas and enhance stewardship of existing natural areas. Based on the guide of the same name, the course provides strategies to landowners of small parcels of land (1-10 acres) that improve the stewardship of their property for personal enjoyment and environmental quality. It uses a hands-on learning approach to help participants develop and implement a plan for their property. Activities include, how to map habitat areas, understanding basic ecological principles about woodland and wildlife, choosing and implementing a few habitat management projects, how to set a timetable and record your progress. Online discussion groups will allow participants to interact with others taking the course. A certificate of completion is awarded when all assignments are completed.

The course costs $95.00 per person, which includes the 108-page “Woods In Your Backyard” guide, workbook, and a tree identification guide. The course is limited to 25 participants, so sign up now! For more information, go here. To register through Eventbrite, go here. For more information, contact course coordinator Andrew Kling at akling1@umd.edu.

Registration closes August 31st or when class is full.