Tuesday, January 28, 2020

MS Assistantship - Ecology and Management of Northern Hardwood Forest Ecosystems

Position Description:  The Burton Lab (https://forestecosystemsilviculture.weebly.com) at The State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry (SUNY ESF) is recruiting a MS student. This position is available beginning in Summer 2020 and includes two years of support through a graduate assistantship. Research will include field studies of northern hardwood forest ecosystems of New York. Potential thesis topics include: multi-scale variation in forest structure and function; effects of beech bark disease; overstory-understory linkage; the development of silvicultural approaches for managing forests vis-a-vis climate change.

SUNY ESF is one of the oldest and most renowned forestry schools in the United States. With 1,751 undergraduates and 435 graduate students, ESF has the benefits of being a relatively small campus community. Yet, ESF’s proximity and relationship with Syracuse University provides access to many of the resources of a larger university. ESF ranked 43rd in the 2017 US News and World Report rankings of the top public national universities. The Princeton Review ranked ESF as the #2 Green College, and the Sierra Club listed ESF among the nation’s top “Cool Schools”. ESF operates four field facilities and >25,000 acres of mostly forested land, providing excellent opportunities for research.

Qualifications:  Bachelor’s degree in forestry, biology, natural resources, ecology, environmental science or a closely related field is required. Preferred qualifications include: strong quantitative skills; ability to work independently and collaboratively; strong work ethic; strong communication skills; field experience; leadership abilities or potential; and plant identification skills.

Application:  Apply to the graduate program in Forest and Natural Resources Management (FNRM). Please indicate your interest in this position in your statement of educational and professional goals. In addition, please email your application materials directly to me (contact information below).

Contact:  Dr. Julia Burton (jiburton@esf.edu, 315-470-6568)
Julia Burton
Assistant Professor of Forest Ecosystem Management & Silviculture
Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
320 Bray Hall
1 Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210-2788
Email: jiburton@esf.edu  |  Office: 315-470-6568
Pronouns: (She/Her/Hers)