Thursday, October 17, 2019

Are You an Undergraduate Student Considering Graduate School? Attend our Seminar!!

If you are an undergraduate students who is considering graduate school, please attend our departmental seminar on October 30th. We have two speakers, Francis DuVinage and Leslie Brice, coming from the National Scholarships Office on campus to talk about the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) and the Fulbright Student Fellowship. The GRFP has a short window for application, once a student has completed a certain portion of their graduate program they are no longer eligible to apply. It is vital to reach prospective applicants as undergraduates or very early in their graduate program. Timing on the Fulbright is much more forgiving, and some partner countries don't even require applicants to be headed to graduate school.

The National Scholarships Office is good at what they do; UMD is substantially more successful than the national average at obtaining these awards thanks in part to their guidance. They have been attempting to reach more ENST students for the past several years. Please come out and join us. 

TIME: 12:00PM - 12:50PM