Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Advising and Administration Deadlines

Seniors ready to graduate this December: go Testudo and click on Graduation Application/Status before Sept 12 so I have time to perform your official audit and let you know if you need anymore classes (u.achieve only provides some of your data but I need to read through all your advising notes and review your transcripts as well)

Students wanting to change a section or add a new class: go to Testudo and click on Registration (Drop/Add) before Sept 14. Remember you need to be enrolled in 12 credits by Sept 14 to be classified as "full time".  

Students waitlisted for a class: continue logging into Testudo and that class's ELMS site daily through Sept 14th

Students wanting to drop a class without a W on your transcript: go to Testudo and click on Registration (Drop/Add) before Sept 14. A class dropped after Sept 14 will appear on transcripts with a W (unless special permission is approved).

First Look Fair is coming up (Sept 16 & 17) where you can learn about our club RESTORE and many more. RSVP through Terplink for Wednesday's or Thursday's First Look Fair.