Friday, December 4, 2020

Graduate Research Assistant: Cyberinfrastructure

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) is seeking a graduate research assistant (GRA) for the Spring 2021 semester. The GRA will assist SESYNC’s cyberinfrastructure team with data science tasks, primarily involving supporting external working groups and postdoctoral researchers. All tasks can be done remotely.

This person will work with the SESYNC data science team to assist SESYNC research groups with data processing, analysis, and visualization (especially geospatial data). This may involve discussing issues with researchers, debugging their scripts, or writing snippets of example code to get them started on a particular task. Other tasks may include assisting in managing virtual meeting logistics for SESYNC research teams and communicating with teams about data management. Remote participation in weekly cyberinfrastructure team meetings will be expected, with additional meetings as needed to accomplish tasks.  

To apply go here