Monday, December 13, 2021

Environmental Education Conference and Scholarship


Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education (MAEOE) is hosting its 37th conference, both in-person, February 4-5, 2022 and virtually, Feb 16, 23, and 26. Check out the online registration website for a list of our excellent selection of educational sessions, speakers and workshops. The Schedule at a Glance lists opportunities for social and professional networking.  The Keynote Speaker this year is Christine Hill of the Sierra Club.  Chris has a deep desire for social justice and a passion for the outdoors, she spends half the year in Washington DC, and half of the year in Alaska.

Each year, MAEOE offers scholarships to help formal and non-traditional educators and students attend our annual conference. We value having widely diverse participation in our conference and are committed to embracing historically underrepresented groups and school districts by providing financial assistance to keep registration fees from being a barrier. With the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on education, this is especially important to us this year.

WHO CAN APPLY:  This scholarship is available for:

1) first time conference attendees,

2) teachers and environmental educators who lead their school's green clubs or teams or are working on Green School applications, 

3) High School seniors and college students who have an interest in environmental science education and careers, classroom teachers, 

4) and for those beginning  outdoor center educators (1-2 years experience) attending their 1st annual conference.  


More details for the conference are here: 


scholarship are here: