Wednesday, July 5, 2023

1 Year Lecturer Position at American University, Washington DC

Hey Terps intrested in teaching the next generation?

The Department of Environmental Science at American University has an open position for a 9-month, full-time, non-tenure-track professorial lecturer position, beginning August 28, 2023. The appointment is a 9-month term position (non-renewable) and will commence on August 28, 2023. The teaching load is three courses per semester (Fall and Spring; up to three different preps), likely including an introductory class for non-majors, a discussion-based seminar for first-year students, and an upper-level majors’ class in Environmental Health.

A Ph.D. in Environmental Science or a related field granted by the position start date is preferred, but strong candidates with a master’s degree or A.B.D. will also be considered.

Applications can be submitted at this link. Review of applications will begin on July 17, 2023 and end on July 22, 2023.

Please contact Prof. Karen Knee ( and Prof. Stephen MacAvoy ( if you have any questions.