Monday, August 5, 2024

PhD and MS Graduate Student Assistantships available at Iowa State University

The Applied Geomorphology Lab and the McMillan Research Lab at Iowa State University are seeking applicants for two funded graduate assistantships at the PhD or MS level. Successful applicants will contribute to research on stream restoration in rapidly urbanizing watersheds in central Iowa, focusing on one or more of the following aspects of the project: 1) changes in channel geometry and sediment and phosphorus transport; 2) water quality impacts of restoration; or 3) impacts of restoration on fish and biotic communities. Applicants can apply to earn a M.S. or Ph.D. in Geology, Environmental Science, Forestry, or Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Start date is negotiable, but January 1, 2025 is preferred. Interested applicants should send a letter of interest and a CV to Dr. Pete Moore ( and Dr. Sara McMillan ( by August 15th.