Monday, October 31, 2016

Careers in Environmental Sector Panel

Panel Description: With increased human populations comes greater demand on the environment and our natural resources. Jobs within the environmental sector seek to understand our ecosystems, and develop or design solutions that addresses the impact we have on the environment. Come and listen to and network with alumni and professionals in this growing career field, and how you can make a difference in the environment.

Don't miss out on this networking opportunity! Light refreshments will be provided. Students can RSVP by visiting

Panelists include:
  • Matthew Mielke Senior Environmental/Transportation Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Elizabeth (Beth) Claus,  Senior Aquarist, National Aquarium
  • Christopher Brosch -Nutrient Management State of Deleware
  • Scott Tjaden, Environmental Scientist & WaterShed Site Manager with Pepco 
  • Dr. Joan Plisko, President, Plisko Sustainable Solutions