Friday, October 14, 2016

ENST Class Schedule

ENST students should become familiar with this advising spreadsheet of classes. It lists the class number, name, any prerequisites or corequisites, which semester it's offered, if it satisfies a GenEd or CORE requirement, who teaches it, and if there have been any other classes that have substituted for it.

ENST100 - International Crop Production-Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century X EVEN LS Tamboli & Isurza
ENST140 - Sustainability and History: The Maryland Experience X DSHS, SCIS Friedel, Landa
ENST200 - Fundamentals of Soil Science CHEM131 & 132 X DSNL LL Weil
ENST214 - Introduction to Fish and Wildlife Sciences  BSCI106 X IE Harrell
ENST233 - Introduction to Environmental Health X X DSNS Yonkos
ENST281 - Computer Aided Design in Ecology X ENES 100, ENCE200 Tilley
ENST301 - Field Soil Morphology I  X Rabenhorst (odd) and Needelman (even) Alternate Years
ENST302 - Field Soil Morphology II  ENST301 X Rabenhorst (odd) and Needelman (even) Alternate Years
ENST303 - Field Soil Morphology III ENST302 X Rabenhorst (odd) and Needelman (even) Alternate Years
ENST309 - Advanced Field Soil Morphology ENST301 or 302 or 303 (preceding semester) X Rabenhorst
ENST314 - Fisheries Management and Sustainability BSCI106 & MATH113+ or ENST 214 X EVEN Harrell
ENST333 - Ecosystem Health and Protection ENST233 X Fisher
ENST334 - Environmental Toxicology BSCI207 & CHEM131/2 X Fisher
ENST360 - Ecosystem Ecology BSCI106 X X BSCI361 May
ENST373 - Natural History of the Chesapeake Bay X Kangas
ENST388 - Honors Thesis Research X Rabenhorst (individual sections for faculty)
ENST389 - Internship (requires pre-approval & Internship Approval Form) X X Kangas
ENST404 - Natural Resource and Environmental Ethics ENST214 & ENST360 X SOCY305, PHIL261Harrell
ENST405 - Energy and Environment MATH140/220 & Junior+ X Tilley
ENST406 - Applied Forestry Practices ENST 200 & ENST 360/PLSC471 X ODD Tjaden
ENST410 - Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis ENST360/BSCI361  X ENST499E (1-time only) Tjaden
ENST411 - Principles of Soil Fertility ENST200 X Weil
ENST414 - Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification ENST200 X Needelman
ENST415 - Renewable Energy  CHEM131, PHYS121, & MATH113 X Lansing
ENST417 - Soil Physics and Hydrology ENST200 & MATH113/115 X Hill
ENST421 - Soil Chemistry ENST200 X TBA
ENST422 - Soil Microbial Ecology  ENST200 X Yarwood
ENST423 - Soil-Water Pollution  CHEM104 & ENST200 X Hill
ENST424 - Field Study in Soil Morphology  ENST200 or permission (grads) Summer every 2nd year Rabenhorst
ENST430 - Wetland Soils ENST200 X Rabenhorst
ENST432 - Environmental Microbiology BSCI105 & CHEM131/2 X Yarwood
ENST434 - Toxic Contaminants: Sources, Fate, and Effects ENST333 & ENST334 X Yonkos
ENST436 - Emerging Environmental Threats  ENST233 X Leisnham
ENST440 - Crops, Soils and Civilization  X EVEN D Landa
ENST441 - Sustainable Agriculture  X EVEN Weil
ENST443 - Industrial Ecology  BSCI361 & MATH140/220 X Kangas
ENST445 - Ecological Risk Assessment  ENST360/BSCI361, BIOM301, & ENST334 X Lynn, Iannuzzi
ENST450 - Wetland Ecology BIOM301 X
ENST452 - Wetland Creation and Restoration  BSCI106 & BSCI362, ENST450, ENST360, or BSCI361 X  Baldwin
ENST453 - Watershed Science X Kearney
ENST460 - Principles of Wildlife Management  2 biology labs & ENST360/BSCI361 X Murrow
ENST461 - Urban Wildlife Management X Pederson
ENST462 - Field Techniques in Wildlife Management BSCI105, BSCI106, & ENST460 X Murrow
ENST463 - Wildlife Habitat and Population Modeling Murrow
ENST466 - Ecology and Management of Wildlife Habitats X Murrow
ENST467 - Ecology and Management of Wildlife Habitats Lab ENST466 X Murrow
ENST471 - Captsone I  X CS Kearney
ENST472 - Capstone II  ENST472 X CS all
ENST479 - Tropical Ecology and Resource Management X MAYBE Kangas
ENST481 - Ecological Design  MATH140/220, PHYS121, CHEM131, & BSCI361 X Lansing
ENST487 - Environmental Conflicts & Decision Making X SOCY220, COMM200, COMM230, COMM425, COMM426, GVPT354 Murrow
ENST489 - Field Experience X X all
ENST489Z - Water Management in Urban Environments X Negahban-Azar
ENST499 - Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology X X all
ENST499X Special Topics VARIOUS CLASSES X X all