Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Employing Agency Name & Address: Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20460

Contact's Name: Philip Egidi

Email Address: egidi.philip@epa.gov

Dates Needed: Flexible through Fall 2020

Weekly Hours Needed: Flexible

Internship Description: Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) is defined as, "Naturally occurring radioactive materials that have been concentrated or exposed to the accessible environment as a result of human activities such as manufacturing, mineral extraction, or water processing.” "Technologically enhanced" means that the radiological, physical, and chemical properties of the radioactive material have been concentrated or further altered by having been processed, or beneficiated, or disturbed in a way that increases the potential for human and/or environmental exposures. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) is defined as, “Materials which may contain any of the primordial radionuclides radioactive elements as they occur in nature, such as radium, uranium, thorium, potassium, and their radioactive decay products, such as radium and radon, that are undisturbed as a result of human activities." Background radiation, which is present in terrestrial, cosmic, and cosmogenic sources, is always around us. Some man-made radioactivity is considered part of the background for regulatory purposes (e.g., the fallout from weapons testing).

Virtual Job Duties: Literature reviews, data collection, reduction, and visualization of TENORM in oil and gas effluents and residuals. Assemble radiological data from the literature on various sources of radioactivity in the oil and gas sector, evaluate the data against EPA QA guidelines; compile in an ongoing spreadsheet, perform descriptive and nonparametric statistics on the data, visualizations (plots, graphs) and when possible present locations in GIS.

Internship Application Requirements: Resume and Unofficial Transcript

Submit application: Submit to Tom Peake (peake.tom@epa.gov) via email.

Application deadline: 09/30/2020