Tuesday, May 26, 2020

VIRTUAL INTERNSHIP: WIPP Information Management Assistant

Employing Agency Name & Address: Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460

Contact's Name: Jerry Ellis and Xinyue Tong

Email Address: Ellis.Jerry@epa.gov and Tong.Xinyue@epa.gov

Dates Needed: Summer 2020 and Fall 2020. The exact start and end dates can accommodate the intern’s schedule.

Weekly Hours Needed: Up to 40 hours per week. The exact hours can accommodate the intern’s schedule.

Internship Description: The Center for Waste Management and Regulations conducts oversight of the Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). Materials related to the project reside in the official docket at regulations.gov. The regulations.gov is not very searchable and as the project is now over 20 years in scope and will have at least another 20-30 years, it is imperative that EPA develop a useable information management system. The primary goal of any WIPP information management system (WIMS) is to allow us at EPA to search for documentation of policy decisions, topics, and specific documents, such as correspondence between EPA and DOE that are in the docket (regulations.gov). EPA staff will need assistance with preparing documents to be put in an information system that will be developed by a contractor. While the primary database/information management system will be done by a contractor, EPA will also need additional support not provided by the contractor as discussed in the duties below. Ideally, the system developed for WIPP could be used for documents in the radioactive National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) and emergency response. Thus, we may also request assistance with identifying documents in these other categories that could be part of an extended information management system.

Virtual Job Duties: Participate in the WIPP information management development activities. Categorize WIPP documents on the existing file repository (e.g. G-Drive, SharePoint, and Docket). Convert files (e.g., Word Perfect, Image files) into pdf. Adding metadata to files. Job duty includes literature reviews, online research, and database entry. The intern will help the staff organize files in a database/web-based system, including “tagging” the files with metadata so that documents can be searched by keyword, date, title, category of the document (such as inspection reports, PowerPoint presentations, published scientific literature).

Internship Application Requirements: Resume and Unofficial Transcript

Submit application: Submit to Tom Peake (peake.tom@epa.gov) via email.

Application deadline: 09/30/2020