Tuesday, May 25, 2021

United Soybean Board Programs for Environmental Science Students

The United Soybean Board (USB) wanted to share some of their work and programs that may be of interest to you. Below is a quick overview with links to more information.

Collegiate Biobased Network (CBN):  This no-cost professional development organization is for college and university students with an interest in biobased products, sustainability, green chemistry and more. It is designed to connect students with biobased industry leaders and fellow interested students. CBN is supported by the USB and offers webinars and other educational and future career connections.

Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel (NGSB): Managed by the National Biodiesel Board, with support from USB, the NGSB is a no-cost student professional organization that fosters collaboration, networking, and career development. Professors are also encouraged to join.


Soy Innovation Challenge:  The Yield Lab Institute, in partnership with USB, Syngenta, Amazon Web Services and the ICL Group held a challenge that delivered game-changing technologies designed to disrupt the current soybean value chain to create increased profitability for U.S. soybean farmers. Winners were announced in March. I’m not yet sure if there will be another challenge next year.