Thursday, October 21, 2021

UMiami Earth, Marine, and Atmospheric Science Assistantships and Virtual Open House Friday

Several Ph.D. research assistantships available in fall 2022. The list below contains some of our available assistantships. Please note that this is not a complete list of opportunities. Prospective students are welcome to reach out to any individual faculty member or the graduate program director to learn more. The majority of Ph.D. students are supported as Graduate Research Assistants during their tenure (typically 5 years). These assistantships provide an annual salary of $30,312, and tuition and health insurance is provided for all students.


PhD Assistantships:


  1. Environmental Science and Policy Ph.D. Program, Abess Center, EVR
  2. NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, Dr. Elizabeth Babcock, MBE 
  3. FOCUS: Florida Current and Sea Level, Dr. Lisa Beal, OCE
  4. Examining the Causes of Trends in the Context of a Variable Subpolar North Atlantic Ocean, Dr. Amy Clement, ATM
  5. Impacts of Atmospheric Reactions on Air Quality, Dr. Cassandra Gaston, ATM/OCE
  6. The Role of Marine Teleost Fish in the Inorganic Carbon Cycle, Dr. Martin Grosell, MBE 
  7. Dynamics of the Agulhas Return Current, Dr. Igor Kamenkovich, OCE
  8. Flood Risk & Climate Change Prepardness, Dr. Katharine Mach, EVR
  9. Water Vapor ‘Lakes’ Over the Tropical Indian Ocean, Dr. Brian Mapes ATM/MPO 
  10. Ecology and Evolution of Giant Viruses, Dr. Mohammad Moniruzzaman, MBE
  11. Investigating the Role of Metastable Carbonates in the Oceanic Carbon Cycle, Dr. Amanda Oehlert, MGS
  12. Shallow Marine Diagenesis in 3D, Dr. Amanda Oehlert, MGS
  13. Satellite Remote Sensing of Land-Falling Hurricanes, Dr. Roland Romeiser, OCE
  14. Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions During Hurricanes, Dr. Nick Shay, MPO/OCE
  15. Ocean Heat Uptake and Global Climate Sensitivity, Dr. Brian Soden, ATM/MPO
  16. Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Global Climate Models, Dr. Brian Soden, ATM/MPO
  17. Radiative Influence on Tropical Cyclone Development, Dr. Brian Soden, ATM/MPO 


Virtual Events coming up:


Any questions, please let me know!



Josh Coco, Ed. D.
Assistant Dean, Rosenstiel School
Tel: (305) 421.4002
Fax: (305) 421.4711
University of Miami
RSMAS Campus – 105C
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149-1031