Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Sustainable Ocean Alliance littler cleanup

Hello everyone! We are the Sustainable Ocean Alliance and we are hosting our weekly litter cleanups again! If you are interested, please click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bou3fxKmRCTeQzfDEZNTKlyIHegfHVYhPk7Rn_uV98w/edit#gid=0 to sign-up! Write your organization's name and leader under the date that your organization is available. Please provide your contact information and any notes you would like to leave us. We typically meet from 11 am - 12 pm but if you know that won’t work with your group, leave a note on the “Contact Information” sheet. Also, we usually meet at Lot 11b and walk along Paint Branch Trail, but if you have any suggestions about where we should clean up, just let us know! We will check this document weekly but if you would like to contact us, our email is soaumd@gmail.com and please CC emccoy19@terpmail.umd.edu. Please let me know if you have any questions! Emily McCoy SOA Exec: Cristina - President Sophia - Vice President Shane - Treasurer Emily & Allen - Social Media & Events Hayden - Policy & Projects Instagram: @soaumd