Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cornell Postdoc - Mobile Acoustics

Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position – Mobile Acoustics/Bat Monitoring

The Fuller Spatial Ecology and Decision Science Lab at the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell University is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral research associate position for a bat population monitoring project using mobile acoustic survey data. The project is in support of the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat), collaborating with partners from the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The project builds on a strong foundation of mobile acoustic work conducted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and other state agency partners, and will involve collection and analysis of mobile acoustic survey data from monitoring partners in the northeastern United States. The candidate will help meet partner needs by producing bat species status and trend reports, data visualizations, and data dashboards that readily communicate analytical results to a broad audience.

The candidate will work with state, federal, and non-governmental organizations in the northeast (NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, CT, RI, PA and NJ, DE, D, VA, WV) to promote engagement in the North American Bat Monitoring Program and cultivate collaboration on a regional analysis of mobile acoustic data. The candidate will participants in the Northeast Bat Working Group, NABat Community of Practice, NABat Mobile Transect Technical Working Group, and the NABat Analytical Working Group. The candidate will be expected to develop manuscripts for submission in peer-reviewed journals and communicate research to project PIs and partners.

The postdoctoral scientist will be housed in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University (Ithaca, New York), working with Dr. Angela Fuller, U.S. Geological Survey, NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. The postdoc will work closely with the NABat program, USGS Fort Collins Science Center (Dr. Brian Reichert and Bethany Straw), the National white-nose syndrome coordinators with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Drs. Jeremy Coleman and Jonathan Reichard), Carl Herzog (NYSDEC, retired), and NABat contributing data partners. There will be opportunities to mentor and collaborate with graduate students.

Applications will be reviewed as received, continuing until suitable applicants are identified. Please do not delay submitting an application based on the deadline stated in


Simulate mobile acoustic data to evaluate statistical power to detect trends in relative abundance through time, 2) Collect acoustic data files and metadata from partners and evaluate methods used to classify acoustic data and provide guidance on sampling design, 3) Develop standard operating procedures/protocols informed by data collection and analysis, 4) Estimate abundance and trends of bats in the northeastern United States.


Ph.D. in ecology, wildlife biology, conservation biology, natural resources, statistics, or a related quantitative field. Strong mathematical and programming skills, experience in statistical estimation and simulation modeling and use of R. Demonstrated desire and proven ability to publish in peer-reviewed journals. Excellent writing and personal communication skills, including with external partners. Proven record of leadership with the ability to work independently and under limited supervision as well as collaboratively. Driver’s license.

Preferred: Competitive candidates will also have one or more of the following qualifications: Experience with analysis of acoustic monitoring data, previous experience with bat population ecology, experience in partnerships/working with stakeholder groups, population modeling, spatial analysis, machine learning, N-mixture models, Bayesian hierarchical models, big data skills, R Shiny App, supervisory experience.

SALARY: $56,484 to $56,813/yr plus benefits. One-year initial appointment with the possibility of yearly extensions not to exceed 5 years.

Start date: As soon as possible.


Please apply via Academic Jobs Online

Qualified candidates should submit a short cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, and a statement of contribution to diversity, equity and inclusion via the website.

QUESTIONS: Please contact Dr. Angela Fuller,