Wednesday, July 10, 2024

National Aquarium Internship Position

The National Aquarium recently posted internship positions for the Fall

Full details are in the link above, but here are the basics:

Job title

What Lives in the Harbor Interns


National Aquarium

Position type


Job description

What Lives in the Harbor (WLITH) , an environmental literacy program for Baltimore City 6th grade students, is looking for Fall semester interns with availability between September 30th - November 6th. Interns must be available at least once a week, Monday-Friday, from 9:30AM-2:00PM for at least 3 weeks.

WLITH teaches students how abiotic factors influence biotic factors in water. Interns will help the students test water quality in the Inner Harbor, tell how humans affect water quality and ways students can improve it, form a hypothesis about which animals could survive within the tested water quality range, and sort through habitat cages to look for those animals. This experience is one part of a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience that fulfills the environmental literacy requirement for students in middle school.

Interns in this program will be leading water quality testing stations and will be responsible for:

  • Familiarity with the educational content and instructing students on that content
  • Content includes knowledge of the watershed; knowledge of water quality parameters tested: turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and salinity; knowledge of human impact on water quality and what can be done to improve water quality; identification of animals found in the habitat cages
  • Familiarity with the testing equipment and instructing students on proper use of lab equipment such as a Secchi disk, dissolved oxygen and salinity probes, LabQuest Readers, litmus paper, and thermometers or temperature probes
  • Recording student data on iPads
  • Set up, break down, and cleaning of station supplies
  • Monitoring stations and supplies when students are not present
  • Escorting students to their station upon arrival to the Aquarium
  • Assisting with monitoring student behavior and safety

Interns will learn and practice all these responsibilities at mandatory trainings on September 14th and September 21st.

The deadline for interns to apply will be Friday, September 6th. For more questions please email