Friday, September 20, 2024

Green Corps Environmental Fellowship 2025 Application

 Green Corps Organizer Program - The Field School for Environmental Organizing

Green Corps is looking for college graduates who are ready to take on the biggest environmental challenges of our day.

Learn more and apply on our website!

The planet needs all the help it can get. To win now and build a strong foundation for lasting progress, we need people who know how to organize: to run organizations and campaigns that will inspire the support and action we need to save our environment. Our program starts with intensive classroom training. You learn about issues and campaigns, organizing theory and principles, and skills from recruiting volunteers to staging a media event. Then, you move to a more hands-on experience. You make a difference on important campaigns to transition our country to clean energy, protect wildlife, and more. For example, Lauren Karpinski, an organizer from the Green Corps Class of 2019, brought together a coalition of 40 groups that helped win a landmark solar energy bill in Arkansas.


We’re accepting the top 20 candidates for our 2025-2026 program. Graduates will join our more than 400 alumni who are leading environmental campaigns and organizations across the country. If you’re passionate about the environment and ready to learn and practice the craft of organizing after graduation, apply today!

Not a graduating senior? Add your name to our list to receive updates about Green Corps including summer internships and jobs in the environmental and broader social change field!

Green Corps’ year-long program begins in August 2025 with introductory classroom training, and continues with field placements in multiple locations across the U.S. Green Corps also offers a short-term program beginning in January 2025. Candidates must be willing to relocate. Please contact Renee Wellman at with additional questions.


Green Corps is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a  strategic approach to social change. Visit to learn more. Green Corps is an equal opportunity employer. The target annual compensation for this position is $33,500 (but compensation may range between $33,500 and $41,690 depending on location). Green Corps' benefits package includes medical insurance for employees and dependents, needs-based student loan assistance, commuter benefit program, sick pay (60-80 hours/year depending on location), and 80 hours of accrued vacation. We also offer short-term positions, an excellent training program, and opportunities for advancement.

Nominate Your Field-Trained Student for USGS summer positions

Students contact your academic advisor
If you are intrested in applying

USGS is hiring UG students for Summer 2025

The ESA-USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program is seeking undergraduate students who have strong preparation in biological field research. We are particularly interested in providing opportunities for students for whom an internship is a unique opportunity, and could help propel them toward a professional path in field-based science.

Selected applicants will be offered internships at available field, laboratory, or office related scientific positions throughout the country for up to 5 months. USGS places interns wherever the project scientists need them. Some internships may be conducted remotely.

Students may ONLY be nominated by faculty who teach or direct field courses or field programs equivalent to 40 hours of biological field research training or other qualifying course or program. Students must be US citizens and be undergraduate students at the time of nomination. You may nominate up to two students who participated in your field course/program. Both students should have completed the SAME course or program which you direct or have taught.

ESA and USGS are committed to diversity and inclusion. We especially encourage field course and program directors to nominate students from underrepresented communities in ecology.

Launch of Undergraduate Research Opportunities & Competencies (UROC)

Undergraduate Research Opportunities & Competencies (UROC), is an open educational resource designed by The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) to equip undergraduate students with skills and tools to find and successfully engage in research opportunities at The University of Maryland (UMD). 

UROC is now available to the entire UMD community. Undergraduate students can easily enroll in UROC via Open Learning and earn a certificate of completion after finishing four modules:
  • Intro to Undergraduate Research
  • Undergraduate Research Toolkit
  • AI & Information Literacy in Research
  • Taking Action

Struggling with focus? Feeling stressed about school? Want to learn how to improve your mental health and relationships?

The Wellness Series

The Counseling Center is hosting drop-in virtual skills sessions on a wide range of topics (16 total!) to support your mental health and wellbeing. Click through the calendar below to find out more about information, including topic descriptions, Zoom links, and times.

Advanced registration is not required. The sessions will close to new participants 15 minutes after it starts.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Presentation on Solar Field design at UMD AEES - 9/23/24

Potentially interesting for our ENST-EcoTech Design students. 

Luke Wildfire, is a design consultant in Baltimore – working as water resources engineer: stormwater, stream restoration, bridge H&H, erosion/sediment control design, etc.

For the last 3-4 years, he's been involved in designing solar fields, first in the coal fields of western MD, and now throughout MD and VA. His largest project is under construction in Garret County, MD – about 700ac +/-, with hundreds of level spreaders to facilitate sheet flow under the panels, 18 stormwater basins for additional stormwater management (SWM), and dozens of sediment traps / ditches for erosion and sediment (E&S) control. In other words, designing the solar field turned into a major water resources effort – which is not the first thing people usually consider when they think about putting a solar field on top of a mountain / reclaimed strip mine.

The site is actually in Google Earth/Google Maps – halfway constructed – which is kind of neat because you can see the level spreaders before the panels are installed.


This Monday, 9/23, at 8pm, he will be presenting to the UMD AEES group on this project and the challenges of providing adequate E&S and SWM design for utility scale solar projects. 

Pizza will be provided!

Sep 23, 2024, at 8pm, in Animal Sciences Building at UMD College Park campus; 8127 Regents Drive.

Luke received his master’s in Biological Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2012 and was an active member of the AEES group there – he recommends the group to anyone with an interest in keeping up with latest in all things related to environmental and water resources engineering.


Luke E Wildfire, P.E.

Project Manager

O: 410.494.9093 |  D: 410.828.3082 | C: 412.874.1151


10150 York Road

Suite 200

Hunt Valley, MD 21030

Maryland | Delaware | Pennsylvania | Virginia

Sustainable Infrastructure through Innovative Engineering

Monday, September 16, 2024

Master's student opportunity, native plant seed productivity, soils, and Indigenous Knowledge

We are looking to fund a Master of Science student interested to work on an interdisciplinary research project combining Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and Western Science (WS) in native plant conservation, focusing on seeds of plants important to ecocultural restoration of forests. Specifically, the student would be studying the factors that influence seed production in native plant populations, including soil characteristics. The student would be advised by Dr. Cristina Eisenberg, Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence and Maybelle Clark Macdonald Director of Tribal Initiatives in the College of Forestry (CoF), at Oregon State University (CoF), in Corvallis, OR, and a member of the Traditional Ecological Research Lab and the Indigenous Natural Resources Office in the CoF and part of the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society.

The student would be funded by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Pacific Northwest Tribal Conservation Corps Pilot Project for Seeds of Success project. This five-year (FY22-FY27) ethnobotany native plant ecocultural restoration project in western Oregon is implementing the National Seed Strategy and Plant Conservation and Restoration Program (PCRP) by following Seeds of Success (SOS) protocols to help ensure a stable and economical supply of native plant materials for restoration efforts on public lands. Our work takes place in moist and dry forests on BLM O&C lands and Tribal lands, with permission from Tribal Nations. Primary activities consist of establishing forest stand survey plots, within them making SOS collections of native seeds, and studying the ecology of the soils in those plots and other factors that contribute to seed production in a nature. The project supports several Native American graduate students in natural resources in the OSU CoF. Our project is helping strengthen BLM conservation stewardship by expanding public land inter-cultural collaboration to build resilience to climate change and improve pollinator and wildlife habitat. We are helping advance awareness of how IK can help increase forest ecological resiliency, conservation, and sustainability. Our work is benefitting the American public, including Indigenous Peoples, by raising awareness of Tribal sovereignty and self-determination and establishing guidelines for working with Tribal Nations in a fair, equitable, and just manner. We are advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) by providing opportunities for underserved young adults and their communities to benefit via STEM education, jobs, and influx of resources.

All work is being done in partnership with Tribal Nations. Fundamental values of our project are cultural humility, reciprocity, and a Seventh-Generation approach. In keeping with Indigenous values, we use research methods that are as respectful as possible of the forest ecosystems in which we work. To qualify for this position, besides academic excellence, field experience working with plants in forest ecosystems, and critical thinking skills, a prospective student will need to embody the values described above. Our research is informed by braiding together IK and WS, with equal respect. Students with previous experience working with Tribal Nations will be prioritized. The graduate student will be expected to conduct fieldwork during seed production season (June – September) within the Coast Range and western slope of the Cascade Range of western Oregon.

This fully-funded, 2-year, MS degree includes full tuition waiver, stipend, and research funding. We need someone able to begin no later than January of 2025.

For further information please contact Dr. Cristina Eisenberg:

Cristina Eisenberg, PhD

Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence

Maybelle Clark Macdonald Director of Tribal Initiatives in Natural Resources

Oregon State University | College of Forestry | 311 Peavy Forest Science Center | Corvallis, OR 97331

541-737-4160 |

I am committed to taking people and the institutions with whom I work beyond the land acknowledgement. I work to find ways to support the self-determination of Indigenous Peoples and their communities and the centering of Indigenous Knowledge and values. I am mindful of the truth that for thousands of years the Mary’s River, or Ampinefu, Band of the Kalapuya have been in relationship with the land where Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon now sits, and I now live and work. I acknowledge that they experienced genocide and forcible removal to reservations in Western Oregon, and that their living descendants are part of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians. I value the deep relationships they have had with the land since time immemorial and aspire to find ways to honor and manifest those relationships in my work and life.

Friday, September 13, 2024

EPA hiring soon

 The EPA will be doing a mass hiring in about 3 weeks, and the job announcements will only be posted on USAJobs for 5 days.  I wanted to give you a heads up so you can start preparing your materials.

I'll do my best to send out another email announcement once the job announcements are officially posted.  Please review the blurb below and contact ENSP alum Zak Shadid if you have more questions!


The EPA’s ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction (ESRB) program is now seeking candidates to support innovative residential energy efficiency initiatives. 


For three decades, ESRB has set national standards for improving the energy efficiency of America’s homes. Nearly 2.7 million ENERGY STAR certified single-family, multifamily, and manufactured new homes and apartments have been built to date, including more than 190,000 in 2023, representing more than 12% of all U.S. homes. 


Successful candidates will demonstrate experience in and passion for building science and green building technologies; program management, communications, and public speaking experience, as well as understanding of the building/development, energy rating, and utility sectors, are also recommended but not required. The position is based in Washington, D.C., and candidates must live within commuting distance of EPA headquarters. 


Example tasks include, but are not limited to, the following: 

·        Support the development of new Versions and Revisions of the ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Homes, Multifamily New Construction, Manufactured New Homes, and NextGen national technical program requirements. 

·        Assess the rigor of state codes to support implementation of new versions of the program requirements.  

·        Assist with responding to stakeholder questions from residential new construction professionals in the field.  

·        Develop technical educational content (e.g., webinars, factsheets, tech bulletins, homeowner guides, webpages) that enhance stakeholders’ and consumers’ understanding of the program. 

·        Contribute to the development of industry standards that complement ENERGY STAR programs. 



Please contact ENSP alum Zachary Shadid with any questions about the opportunity at or 202.256.7834. 


Learn more about the ESRB program: 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The AGNR Academic Programs Office is Hiring! Deadline to apply is today!

 Hey AGNR Terps! 

Looking to earn a little extra income while giving back to the college? The AGNR Academic Programs Office is hiring two new Peer Mentors for the 2024-2025 school year! 

We are currently accepting applications from undergraduate students majoring in Environmental Science & Policy (AGNR concentrations), Agricultural Science & Technology, and/or Plant Sciences only.* Check out our Peer Mentor Job Description for details & minimum qualifications. If you are curious about our current Peer Mentors, you can get to know them HERE!

Preferred deadline: 11:59pm on September 8th
Final deadline: 11:59pm on September 12th

*Interested in becoming a Peer Mentor but you don't see your AGNR major listed in this ad? Don't fret! Several of our mentors will be graduating in May -- it breaks our hearts to see them go but that means more positions will be opening for the 2025-2026 school year. Be sure to keep an eye out for our next job post in the Spring!

AGNR Peer Mentor Apply Now!.png

MDA Agri-Summit

Please join the Maryland Department of Agriculture for the 2024 AgriSolar Summit being held on Thursday, September 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The focus of the summit is on agri-voltics and agriculture with solar.

This year's Summit will once again be held at MDA Headquarters, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway in Annapolis. Visitor parking is located just past the second cow.

The Summit is free to attend, however, registration is required.  Light refreshments and lunch will be served.

Please complete the form below to confirm your attendance and submit any questions or concerns you'd like addressed at the Summit. For more information, please contact the Department's Director of Government Relations Rachel Jones at 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Registration is OPEN; AGNR has a new Study Abroad Peer Mentor

Registration is OPEN; AGNR has a new Study Abroad Peer Mentor

Study Abroad registration is open for Winter Term courses. The deadline to apply is 9/23, less than two weeks away!. AGNR has a new Study Abroad Peer mentor, Bridget Harris, to help students explore courses, learn to register or look for funding. She is in the Symons Hall student lounge for drop-in hours, Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-3:30 PM. (The student lounge is across from the Academic Programs office).

AGNR's Study Abroad Peer Mentor: Bridget Harris
Hours: M, W 1-3:30 in Symons Hall student lounge, ground floor

Hi everyone, my name is Bridget Harris, and I am the new AGNR Study Abroad Peer Mentor! I am currently a senior majoring in Environmental Science & Technology with a concentration in Natural Resource Management. I studied abroad with Maryland-in-Copenhagen during the Spring 2024 semester.

Scholarship awards

Just for AGNR students: AGNR students may qualify for IPAN awards, but they must apply thru the Education Abroad office. We are providing funds for students who enroll in a Study Abroad course in a developing country, to those who may be a first time study abroad traveler, and those with financial need. These awards are in addition to funding from UMD's Education Abroad office. It's possible that students could knock off $1500+ if they meet certain criteria. (The IPAN awards are not limited to AGNR courses. Students may enroll in any program) EA Advisors can help with award info but students must apply in order to be considered. The application is not lengthy, and why leave money on the table?

Here are AGNR faculty-led courses being offered during Winter Term.

Dominican Republic: Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (ANSC)

ANSC 372: Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Faculty: Rick Kohn

Interview community leaders in the Dominican Republic, including leaders from farm organizations, and learn about agroecology, food sovereignty, rural development, ancestral and modern farming practices, peasant seed production, climate and environmental justice, women’s rights, dignity for migrants and workers, land, water and territorial rights, peasant rights, and international solidarity.

New Zealand: Sustainable Ecosystems (PLSC/ENSP)

PLSC489Z: Special Topics in Plant Science: Environmental Sustainability
ENSP489Z: Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy: Environmental Sustainability
Faculty: Joe Sullivan (, Dane Grossnickle (, Andrew Ristvey (

New Zealand, being geographically isolated, has its own sustainability issues from energy production to invasive species. You will travel throughout New Zealand's diverse ecosystems and learn about how the government approaches several aspects of sustainability, including but not limited to energy production (geothermal, hydropower, wind), ecological conservation programs (biodiversity), tourism, and low-impact urban design including stormwater management and architecture. Additionally, you will interact with Maori peoples to understand how their culture and language has been revived in the recent past and what issues they face both economically and socially.

Vietnam: Climate-Resilient Development: Vietnam's Mekong Delta Region (AREC/ENES)

AREC 356: Climate-Resilient Development: Vietnam's Mekong Delta Region
Faculty: Steve Jaffee

The course explores the many ways in which climate change is and will impact the opportunities and risks faced by different stakeholders (i.e. farmers/fishers, enterprises, communities, and the general population) within the region in an otherwise very dynamic developing country setting and the broad range of tools and approaches available to these stakeholders to adapt to the changing conditions. The course will highlight major principles of climate resilient development planning, agriculture, natural resources management and urban planning/management and illustrate examples of as well as the limitations of their application through case studies and field visits in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta region. This course will allow students to see, experience, and analyze how this drama is playing out in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Region and reflect on what this might mean for other developing countries.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Study abroad scholarships!

 Don't Leave Money on the Table!

Education Abroad will award over $850k in scholarships to study abroad students this year   In addition, the International Programs office in AGNR is adding to the scholarships.  Check with EA on what you might be eligible for.

Through the Gilman Guarantee program,  Pell grant recipients who are U.S. citizens will be guaranteed a scholarship of $500 from EA, with a possible additional $2,000 if they apply for the Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship via UMD's National Scholarship Office (NSO) to have their applications reviewed. More details here

Dedicated EA Advising Support for AGNR Students

As a reminder, our recent reorganization ensures that your students have a dedicated advisor to help them navigate their study abroad journey. Please be sure to refer AGNR students to:

Joy Gursky

Make an appointment

AGNR's Study Abroad Peer Mentor to help you explore courses, navigate the EA database or learn more about opportunities
Bridget Harris

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Career Programming and Updates

The UCC@AGNR has some great programs planned for this Fall:

Casey Miller is available to any students to discuss major/career choices, job, internship, and grad school prep, interviewing/networking skills, or anything else related to their career! Students can make an appointment via Handshake.  

The University Career Center has an exciting line up of programming for this Fall, as well! Below is a list of highlights:

Students are encouraged to check out and use Handshake! Handshake is an easy-to-use platform that will provide students with an abundance of opportunities including jobs & internships, event sign ups, and career advising appointments.