Below are helpful details for ENST students currently in the UMD Honors Program who started their 1st (aka freshman) year or for ENST students interested in applying to be an honors student by their 2nd to final (aka junior) year.
- Learn more about applying to become an Honors Student in AGNR/ENST here:
undergraduate/current- students/academic-honors/ - Students’ Honors Options proposals should be submitted by Sep 13.
- Honors College Research Grant applications are due Oct 1.
- The Winston Family Paper Awards. Your departmental honors students may submit their Thesis (or a very advanced draft). Updated information will be on the Honors College website soon. Applications will open Nov 4 - March 28.
Please let any of the ENST advising team (Advisors Baballari, Browne, Gunnulfsen, Izursa) know if you have any questions.