Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Winter 2018 Grad Survey

In an email from Christina Farmer:

We have now launched the survey for students graduating Dec 2018. The Career Center has emailed all students on the recipient list a link to the survey portal.

I would like to create a culture within AGNR where students are aware of the survey prior to graduation, and that they are eager to share their career outcome with us, post graduation. I am asking for your assistance in this endeavor. In addition to the email from the Center, here are a few other ways to promote the survey:
  • Sending a targeted email to Dec Graduates congratulating them on graduation and asking that they complete the survey. The direct link is https://umdsurvey.umd.edu/jfe/form/SV_3rAPquQctiN2hPn 
  • Sharing and announcing the graduation survey in upper level classes with seniors (I've attached a PPT slide and image file that can be used)
  • Including the graduation survey in your blogs or listserv
  • Posting the graduation survey information on digital displays or bulletin boards
A few things to know about the survey:
  • If students are unsure of their plans right now, they can still complete the survey and select "actively seeking" (still job searching).  
  • Students have 6 months from now to complete the survey. So, if they don't yet have a job or heard back from grad schools, they can still complete it during the spring (The Center will continue to send emails within the 6 month period).
Thank you in advance for all your assistance. Although the Graduation Survey is managed by The Career Center, the career outcomes of AGNR students are a reflection of the awesome work our academic departments do in preparing career ready graduates both in and out of the classroom.