Friday, September 24, 2021

Position for bat genetics research technician for Species from Feces

 Dear Southeastern Bat Diversity Network,

Our Species from Feces program is growing! Please see the job description:

You can learn more about the team in 1 minute videos here:

We specialize in all things guano, and use it and other sample types to identify species, and determine whether Pd is present. Projects we work on include bat species using bridges or other roosts, species and sex ID of carcasses at wind facilities, and eDNA detection. The new recruit will be involved in all of these projects, and more.



Faith M. Walker, Ph. D.
Assistant Research Professor
Director of Genetics, Species from FecesBat Ecology & Genetics Lab, and Ancient DNA Lab
School of Forestry
Associate Director, Pathogen & Microbiome Institute, Ancient DNA Core
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ  86011-4073  U.S.A.