Wednesday, January 19, 2022

USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center (formerly Patuxent Wildlife Research Center) Waterbird Internship

We are now soliciting applications for undergraduate interns for our summer field season, and I was hoping you could distribute the attached flyer to any students who may be interested within your program. In short, interested students should email a cover letter and resume to by end of day Feb 15. While COVID-19 certainly presented some logistical challenges, we completed a full field season each of the last two years and intend to do so again. We take extensive efforts to ensure everyone's safety while out in the field and perform all other tasks remotely as able. Selected individuals would join our team for the summer and gain hands on experience monitoring breeding waterbird communities in the Chesapeake Bay. While specific focus is paid to Common and Least Terns, this project also includes work with egrets, herons, and gulls. The majority of interns time is spent conducting a mark recapture study, though some time is dedicated to additional survey methods and work with other experimental technologies.