Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Research Ecologist/Soil Scientist/Hydrologist


We are currently seeking a Research Ecologist/Soil Scientist/Hydrologist in the NP211 Water Availability and Watershed Management research project managed under the Agroecosystems Management Research Unit (AMRU) located at the USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (NLAE) in Ames, Iowa. The research conducted under this position will contribute to the understanding, quantifying and managing of interactions between climate, soils and land-use and their impact on hydrology and water quality at field, landscape and watershed scales. Currently the AMRU has a staff of 16 (8 scientist positions) and is undergoing significant turnover with recent scientists and research leader hires. Truly an exciting time to join the laboratory to contribute new research direction and solutions to emerging agronomic challenges. Within AMRU there are three research projects in the Unit, one each in NP101 Food Animal Production, NP211 Water Availability and Watershed Management, and NP216 Sustainable Agricultural Systems Research; with additional research conducted in NP212 Climate Change, Soils, and Air Emissions managed under the Soil, Water, and Air Resources Research Unit within NLAE.


The National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment has over a 30 year history of conducting research to balance production goals with environmental quality. As such, NLAE has a diverse set of stakeholders reflecting its national scope and the interests of representatives from production agriculture and environmental groups. Excellent facilities are available for laboratory research as most laboratories underwent significant renovation in 2020-21. Modern field and watershed research facilities are conveniently located nearby. NLAE staff are actively involved in multiple ARS and other scientific research networks including Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR), Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP), AmeriFlux, and GRACEnet.


I would very much appreciate if you could bring this opportunity to the attention to any Research Ecologist/Soil Scientist/Hydrologist scientists with an interest in understanding, quantifying and managing of interactions between climate, soils and land-use and their impact on hydrology and water quality at field, landscape and watershed scalesPlease see the attached ad for a brief summary of the positionThe USAJobs announcement is a https://www.usajobs.gov/job/649846000.


The position is located in Ames, IA, a city of ~ 65,000 inhabitants 30 miles north of Des Moines (Ames Chamber of Commerce: https://www.ameschamber.com). NLAE (https://www.ars.usda.gov/midwest-area/ames/nlae/) is located on the campus of Iowa State University, a Big 12 university (https://web.iastate.edu/about).


Please feel free to contact to me if you have any questions or our Search Committee Chair, John Prueger (john.prueger@usda.gov).