Tuesday, December 13, 2022

One Health Research Coordinator, Urban Wildlife Institute job

As urbanization expands around the world, understanding how the changing landscape affects the health of wildlife, humans, and the environment (One Health) will provide scientists and land managers with the tools they need to support urban biodiversity, public health, and human-wildlife coexistence. Our goal is to create a comprehensive understanding of urban ecosystems by understanding complex relationships between humans, wildlife, and urbanization in Chicago and beyond.  This full-time position will support a variety of field-based projects as part of the One Health for All Program within the Urban Wildlife Institute. Projects include an extensive urban survey of mammals using motion-triggered cameras, conducting tick sampling at long-term monitoring sites, assessing habitat for urban rats, and the development of new projects related to this initiative. Responsibilities will include independent field work in the greater Chicago area, as well as data management and public engagement with One Health projects. 

Information and application:   https://careers.hireology.com/lincolnparkzoologicalsociety/1048222/description