Friday, October 12, 2018

Dr. Gene Likens Lecture

We will be hosting the Department of Geology's inaugural Helz Lecture on October 18th, and we hope that you can join us.  The Helz Lecture is a new lecture series graciously supported by Drs. George and Rosalind Helz.

Our first speaker will be Dr. Gene Likens.  Dr. Likens and his team were the first to discover the regional effects of acid rain in North America.  The title of the talk will be:  "Acid Rain:  A long and unfinished journey from discovery to political action."  Dr. Likens is a member of the National Academy of Science and is a recipient of the National Medal of Science among many other honors.  In addition to his research, he also currently teaches a course in science ethics at the University of Connecticut and enjoys interacting with students. 

There will be a catered reception prior to the Helz Lecture at 5 pm in the new Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center, 2nd Floor Lounge.  The lecture will begin at 5:30 pm in Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center Room 2204.  A link providing further details can be found at: .  If you could please RSVP at that link, it would help us with planning for enough food ahead of time.  However, an RSVP is not necessary to attend the reception and lecture .