Friday, May 17, 2019

Summer 2019 Bat Acoustic Internship

Looking for an internship opportunity over Summer 2019? Enjoy working outdoors and road trips?  UMD is looking for interns to drive transects throughout central Maryland most nights of June to record bat echolocation calls. The data you collect will help UMD Appalachian Lab and MDDNR learn which bat species are present during summer which is extremely important.

If you are interested in this opportunity and willing to work most nights in June, you can earn a great skill set highly desired by employers, gas reimbursement, and possibly receive college credit. Please address any questions or submit your application to shannonp@umd.eduStudents with a car, current driver's license, clean driving record, ability to work 6pm to midnight most nights in June, and interested in learning about bat ecology are encouraged to apply. Driver's will be reimbursed gas money, otherwise this internship is unpaid (though may qualify for college credit). 

To submit your application, please email Shannon Pederson your cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcripts to by May 23rd with the subject line "Summer UMD Acoustic Bats Internship". Training and equipment will be provided towards the end of May and work will begin June 1.