Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Join us on the 3rd December to celebrate World Soil Day when the brilliant Andrew Galloway (University of Oxford) will present “The Importance of Soil and How Life on Earth Depends on it”:

Soil forms the basis of all land-based ecosystems on Earth. Prior to the generation of soil, the land was littered with sterile rocks without any life. This highly complex medium is formed of minerals, dead and decomposing organic matter, air, water and life (microorganisms, animals and plants).

We depend on soil for our agricultural crops as well as it being a huge biodiversity reservoir - teaspoon of soil contains billions of microorganisms, and the world’s second largest carbon store second to our oceans. Although crucial to land-based life, we are currently losing, by erosion over 100 Km2 per year, which is equivalent to the size of South Korea. Additionally, 40% of the world’s agricultural fields are at risk. We have been overburdening our soil for thousands of years but with the latest research and good environmental practices we can protect this vital resource required for our society.

In this talk, you will learn why soil is important, what its forms of, how it formed, the issue of soil erosion, and how we can protect our soil for future generations. 

Register now for your free place: 
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We look forward to welcoming you next week.