Monday, November 29, 2021

REU program at Zoo Miami

Zoo Miami, the Zoo Miami Foundation, and Florida International University have opened applications for our Research Experience for Undergraduates program in Conservation Science for 2022.
We are looking for 10 college students to join our research team May-August 2022 and conduct independent research under the mentorship of wildlife conservation scientists, wildlife veterinarians, and conservation educators. Thanks to support from the National Science Foundation, students will receive a stipend of $600/week, and the program will cover housing, food, travel, and research costs. Students will receive training in how to design and conduct research projects, how to manage and analyze scientific data, and how to communicate science to other scientists and to the public.
We are particularly interested in applications from students from minoritized groups underrepresented in science (African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders), as well as persons with disabilities, veterans, first-generation college students, and students from community colleges or colleges with limited research opportunities.
More information on the program, including descriptions of mentors and application procedures, are available at