Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2020

The 2020 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium will be held on June 8-10 in Annapolis, Maryland.
Details at

"With the completion of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s 2017 mid-point assessment of the EPA’s Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) regulatory process, it is timely to convene a symposium aimed at examining the observations and models that were used in that assessment and discuss future needs and challenges for the next one in 2025 and beyond. There is a need for higher temporal resolution measurements and higher spatial resolution models. Research should be focused on developing a better mechanistic understanding about and models of physical, biological and chemical processes in the airshed, watershed and estuary. Additionally, more flexible sampling and modeling approaches are also needed for resolving management impacts on water quality and living resources over a wide range of scales."

You are encouraged to submit a presentation or poster abstract for the Symposium. The deadline for abstracts is March 15, 2020.

Please go here to find a session you’d like to submit an abstract to. Abstract authors will be notified of acceptance by March 30, 2020.

STUDENTS – There are a limited number of opportunities for students to obtain free registration to the Symposium in exchange for assistance with facilitation and AV equipment support at the Symposium. Travel funds up to $200/student will be available based on criteria such as distance traveled and priority for those presenting.