Environmental Control Technician II: Delmarva Fox Squirrels and Bats ($14.75/hr)
Primary responsibility will be assisting with research and monitoring of Delmarva fox squirrels (DFS) in Sussex County, Delaware. Duties will include helping with translocations of DFS from Maryland to Delaware, including trapping and transporting squirrels, conducting radio telemetry of translocated squirrels, and setting up and monitoring camera traps to determine presence/absence of DFS in specific woodlots. Duties will also include interacting with landowners regarding the translocation project and legal status of the species, surveying hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts regarding DFS sightings, downloading and reviewing photos from camera traps, maintaining Excel, Access and ArcGIS databases and preparing technical reports. Will also assist with bat surveys (acoustic bat detector deployment, data management, assisting with bat-human conflicts, and possible bat catches), and other wildlife research projects. Must be able to carry heavy and awkward equipment in difficult weather conditions (heat, humidity, insects). Work schedule is variable and may include working nights, holidays, and weekends as scheduled. The field office is located in Kent County but most of the work will take place in Sussex County.
To Apply, send resume and cover letter to: Holly.Niederriter@delaware.gov