Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program - US Fish & Wildlife Services

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partners with the Student Conservation Association for the FWS Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP). This program provides students with an 11-week, full-time opportunity that supports FWS conservation priorities.

This year's opportunities include 43 Biological/Fisheries based projects, 12 Outreach/Human Dimensions related projects, and more. Undergraduate rising seniors and seniors who will not yet have completed their degree requirements are eligible to apply for all 55 projects. Graduate students are eligible to apply for 8 of the projects, all of which are outlined in the attachments. More details on the program and full descriptions of the projects are available in the attached document. Application and project information is also posted on the USFWS Work for Wildlife site here:
Contact Andreas Moshogianis at  with any questions. 
Please see the attachment for details regarding the entire application process. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY MIDNIGHT (EST) ON FEBRUARY 22, 2018.