Wednesday, February 7, 2018

EPA Spring 2018 - Water Quality

Student Volunteer Internship
Water Quality

Office of Water, Water Policy Staff
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC
Position Description
An unpaid semester-in-Washington internship is available in Washington, D.C. at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water. The applicant must be a registered student
fulfilling the requirements of a degreed program. Preferred applicants are either in their senior
undergraduate year or pursuing a Master’s degree or Ph.D. The applicant should have an interest in
water issues and demonstrated ability to use research strategies, data systems, modeling tools and GIS systems to explore potential impacts and outcomes of alternative policy choices.  Students studying one of the following disciplines or a related discipline will be considered:
hydrology, hydrological modeling, aquatic or environmental science, environmental engineering,
geology, data analysis, GIS, Public Administration, or a related field. The successful candidate will
also have strong analytical, problem solving and writing skills.
The specific project will be negotiated with the intern, depending upon her or his knowledge, skills
and interests and relevance to EPA water program priorities. Examples of types of projects that
could be designed are:
• Assist EPA staff with developing web-based communication materials for particular programs
implemented under the Clean Water Act or Safe Drinking Water Act;
• Use the EPA HAWQS modeling tool to conduct sample analyses of, for example, effects of changes
in management strategies of pollutant or pollution discharges on water quality outcomes in selected
• Work with EPA staff to plan a training webinar on how to use the USGS Surface Water Toolbox for
calculating stream flow statistics used in TMDLs and NPDES permits; conduct case studies for
various applications; develop communication materials describing uses for the tool.
• Review strategies that communities might use to plan for or rebuild from flooding, drought, and/or
wildfire; write a short whitepaper and brief an EPA workgroup. on findings.
• Prepare a GIS analysis incorporating select national data sets to illustrate location of water treatment
facilities versus vulnerability to an impact of choice, e.g., coastal flooding, inland flooding, warming
temperatures, changes in precipitation, incidence of wildfire, etc.
• Etc.
The appointment will be for a minimum of 12 weeks, and 30 hours per week. The participant will not
receive a stipend but a transit subsidy will be provided.
The participant does not become an EPA employee.
How to Apply:
Email a statement of interest, a resume, and a short writing sample (maximum 5 pages) to In the subject line, please reference ‘Student Internship: Water

The EPA Office of Water (OW) guides implementation of the national water program under
statutory authorities such as the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. OW activities are
targeted to prevent pollution and to reduce risk for people and aquatic ecosystems. Within OW, the
Water Policy Staff supports program and policy development, including ensuring quality control in
the regulatory development process, conducting economic analyses, leading cross-Office workgroups, analyzing emerging issues, and developing new programs to address emerging issues.
The participant will gain experience and insight into how national environmental programs are
managed, how environmental policies are developed, and how federal programs interact with state,
local and tribal partners. He or she will become familiar with programs to protect clean water,
drinking water, wetlands, oceans and estuaries, and water infrastructure.