Thursday, November 16, 2017

Urban Water Innovation Network - Undergrad Research Program for Summer 2018

The Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN) is now accepting applications for its third Undergraduate Research Program (URP) for the summer of 2018! 

Students will be given the opportunity to perform cutting edge research of immediate relevance to people in urban areas at institutions in urban areas across the nation. Students with different research interests in urban water sustainability - social sciences, natural sciences, engineering – are invited to apply.

To complement their mentored research, students interact in person and/or virtually, give and receive feedback and support, and participate in a rich assortment of enrichment activities, workshops and seminars in transdisciplinary research and urban water sustainability.

To apply: visit:
Application deadline: January 29, 2018 11:59 PM

Dates: May 30 to August 1, 2018 (9 weeks)
Eligibility:  Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions.
Support: $4,500 stipend, room and board on-campus or in nearby housing, travel assistance.
The program starts and ends at Colorado State University in Fort Collins CO.

Projects for 2018:
·         Variation in Vegetation’s Influence on Urban Climate. (University of California Riverside, Oregon State University, University of Arizona)
·         Observing the Urban Environment: Measuring Thermal and Radiative Impacts of Trees. (Arizona State Univ.)
·         Natural Solutions for Urban Watershed Sustainability. (Brooklyn College of the City University of New York).
·         Cross-City Stormwater Management Comparison. (Colorado State Univ.)
·         Assessing the Benefits of Emerging Technologies for Stormwater Management. (Colorado State Univ.)
·         Examining Environmental Decision Making in South Florida. (Florida International University)
·         Plant diversity patterns in bioswales of Portland, Oregon. (Oregon State University).
·         System-of-Systems Analysis of Water Infrastructure Resilience under Climate Change Impacts. (Texas A&M).
·         Evaluating Options for Management of Urban Flood Hazards. (University of Maryland Baltimore County)

For more information about the Network, visit