Friday, January 6, 2023

Environmental Management Staffer Position Supporting the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Water Quality Goal Implementation Team - Chesapeake Research Consortium

The Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) is seeking an individual for a three-year Environmental Management Staffer position within its Environmental Management Career Development Program. All CRC Staffers in the Environmental Management Career Development Program support the work of the Chesapeake Bay Program.

The Environmental Management Staffer in this position will support to the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Water Quality Goal Implementation Team (WQGIT). The WQGIT coordinates and provides support to the Chesapeake Bay Program partners in efforts to achieve clean water goals of the 2014 Watershed Agreement, particularly in implementing nutrient and sediment reduction efforts necessary to meet the water quality standards to support the Bay's living resources. The goal team’s primary focus is to support efforts to reduce nutrient and sediment loads entering the Bay and to ensure that these reductions are maintained over time. There are two Water Quality GIT Staffers who provide support to the GIT and workgroups associated with the goal team’s focus areas. This Staffer position will support the work of the WQGIT and be the primary support for the toxic contaminants, watershed technical, and urban stormwater workgroups.

Job link